Access Journal

Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the Digital Economy

Access Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, May 2023

Access Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, May 2023 in PDF

To promote entrepreneurship: factors that influence the success of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan

Investor protection: segregation of assets

Schumpeter's theory of economic development and modern civil society: points of interaction

New green economy policy integrating the economic dimension in the face of environmental problems in the case of a Moroccan agri-food company

Role of political economy in mediating innovation and entrepreneurship–a perspective based on some cases from Nepal

Developing a maturity model to identify digital skills and abilities of accounting professionals: evidence from Turkey

Planning the digital marketing budget: computer modelling for decision making

Identifying knowledge management strategies for knowledge management systems

Comparative Measurement of Intellectual Potential in Economics of Ukraine and Romania

Phehomenon of corruption in Albania: towards cigarrete smugling

Conceptual framework for the development of an e-government licensing system

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