To promote entrepreneurship: factors that influence the success of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan
Published Online: Mar 2, 2023
Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
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Women entrepreneurs are considered a leading building block of the economy as they create jobs, develop themselves, and contribute to national economic progress. Since Pakistan is a developing country, entrepreneurship is still in its infancy, and women are underrepresented in the economy. Women's economic opportunities and participation in Pakistan line up 143rd out of 144 countries in the Global Economy (2016). This study aims to identify and explore the factors affecting the success of female entrepreneurs in Pakistan. In Pakistan, more than 300 female entrepreneurs were selected for a quantitative study. Its primary objective is to investigate and describe the nature and growth of Pakistani women's entrepreneurship about the political, economic, and cultural factors of the nation that affect these women's entrepreneurial life. To investigate and examine a wide range of factors and provide an understanding of Pakistan women's entrepreneurship in a whole-of-life context rather than as a discrete business activity, it was necessary to use a multidisciplinary approach because this is one of the first studies on Pakistani women entrepreneurs in SMEs. It is mainly complicated governmental policies and financial institution procedures that prevent them from achieving their entrepreneurial goals. Women entrepreneurs face several obstacles: a lack of confidence, low education, market awareness, double roles, fewer negotiation capabilities, and vigour hindrances. The results show that Pakistani women entrepreneurs successfully manage, build, and balance a variety of cutting-edge firms as well as their personal and familial connections. This study will help policymakers develop strategies and policies to support women entrepreneurs.
JEL Classification:
L26, M13, L20, M10
How to cite:
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