Access Journal

Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the Digital Economy

Access Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2, May 2024

Access Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2, May 2024 in PDF

Drivers of perceptions towards euro adoption among the young: evidence from Bulgaria

Gender, legal and economic aspects of domestic services in households

Business approaches pathways towards strategic market capture in telecommunication industry

Financial aspects of socio-economic rejection in Ukraine in conditions of economic turbulence

The effect of Islamic development bank projects on economic growth in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

Factors influencing carbon emissions under EKC scheme and the role of renewable energy in Gulf Cooperation Council countries

Macroeconomic determinants of poverty in South Africa: the role of investments in artificial intelligence

Managerial accounting system between corporate governance and knowledge management

The regulation of funding troubled projects

Thrive to revive: turnaround strategies of startups in India

Distributing financial services by financial agents in correlation with legal and managerial aspects: case study of the Slovak Republic

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