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Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the Digital Economy

Business approaches pathways towards strategic market capture in telecommunication industry

Published Online: Feb 20, 2024
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Telecommunication business companies face many sustainability challenges that range from rapidly evolving technological and infrastructural changes to increase in the demands of potential customers or clients. While telecommunication business companies’ investment varies in terms of products and services, their focus on market also varies accordingly. However, the rapidly changing market due to technology evolution and customer demands bring in a lot more challenges than the ones which can be anticipated. Business sustainability in Telecommunication company’s business strategies vary according to the business model they use which influences on their focus on various business opportunities. Each competitor has different tactics to use when it comes to gaining the sustainable market share and generation of good revenue. Due to rapidly evolving nature of telecommunication industry, the telecommunication companies require regular assessment and improvement of their business focus. A thorough investigation and analysis of selected telecommunication business companies have been presented that focuses on highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of telecommunication companies with respect to conducting successful business and sustainable market capture strategies while carefully outlining the business model components that play crucial part in achieving it. Detailed evaluation of their focus on various business model canvas components and individual entities have also been presented to outline the importance of incorporating certain entities within the business model to target success. Impact of these strategies, 5G technology, its demands and promises have also been discussed to provide an insight into the need for improvement of business models for sustainable growth within telecommunication business sector.
JEL Classification:
M1, M20, M30
How to cite:
Arisar, M. M. K., Lian-Ju, N., Jokhio, S. H.. (2024). Business approaches pathways towards strategic market capture in telecommunication industry. Access to science, business, innovation in the digital economy, ACCESS Press, 5(2), 222-247,
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