Human resource management on the efficiency of adopting marketing strategies: a study in Vietnam
Published Online: Aug 9, 2024
Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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Purposes: Prior research has explored the association between the practices of human resource management and the efficiency of adopting marketing strategies in business. Nevertheless, it investigated the relation mostly relying on the OLS regression; whereas this conventional technique might probably take no notice of several effects of human resource management practices at different points of the conditional distribution of the efficiency of adopting marketing strategies. Therefore, the present research work has applied quantile regression to investigate the causal link from human resource management to the efficiency of adopting marketing strategies.
Methods: The research data was gathered from enterprises listed on Vietnam’s chief Stock Exchanges in Vietnam as an emerging country. Enterprises there try to integrate human resource management practices with marketing tactics. However, only a few projects on human resource management and marketing strategy have been analyzed in developing nations, including Vietnam.
Results: The empirical findings disclose that, at different points of the conditional mean of the efficiency of adopting marketing strategies in business, the influences of human resource management practices on the efficiency of adopting marketing strategies in business are different.
Implications: The current research project delivers a fairly thorough picture of the causal connection between human resource management practices and the efficiency of adopting marketing strategies in business in developing countries. Especially, it can help executive managers in developing countries be able to make sound decisions on the adoption of appropriate human resource management practices in business that fit with marketing strategies, so that they could attain better organizational performance.
JEL Classification:
C21, M12, M31, O15
How to cite:
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