Innovation research model for competent professional communication in a foreign language for postgraduate school lawyers
Published Online: Jan 30, 2022
Published: Jan 31, 2022
Karaganda Buketov University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
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The article is devoted to the problem of improving the quality and efficiency of foreign language teaching methods in the system of postgraduate education. The author proposes a methodology for developing professional reading skills in the context of teaching professional English communication for law students using pragma-professional technologies. Professionally oriented reading of legal novels contributes to developing scholars': intellectual potential, integrated professional competence, socio-cultural knowledge, professional outlook, and creative abilities.
Objectives: to substantiate the need to improve the effectiveness of lawyer's communicative competence in a foreign language by developing a methodology for the formation of various educational strategies based on a literary work of a legal orientation within the framework of the course "Language for Specific Purposes," which combines the principles of communicative, interactive learning using innovative technologies.
Methods / Approach: In order to solve the objectives, methods were used such as: theoretical (conceptual and terminological analysis of basic definitions, modelling, system analysis) and empirical methods (diagnostic tests for postgraduates and teachers, experimental sections for, observations, comparison, analysis and systematization of experiment data).
Conclusion: the reading effectiveness in a foreign language is increased when teaching law postgraduates law to read works of art in a foreign language based on a specially developed strategy.
JEL Classification:
A23; A39; K00
How to cite:
Uteubayeva E. (2022). Innovation research model for competent professional communication in a foreign language for postgraduate school lawyers. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 3(1): 53-66.
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