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Consumer service modeling: the study of buyer’s queues in pharmacies

Published Online: Sep 9, 2024
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Objectives: The task of the work was to develop models for servicing the queue of visitors in a pharmacy, conduct simulations for a different number of pharmaceutical care points on the trading floor, analyze the results, and develop recommendations for improving customer pharmaceutical care in a drugstore. Methods/Approach: The study aims to improve customer pharmaceutical care in pharmacies by reducing customer queues using simulation modelling of the queuing system in a pharmacy. System analysis, expert assessments, opinion polls, simulation and computer modelling, and queuing theory were used. Results: Computer simulation models for servicing customer queues in pharmacies have been developed, and computational experiments have been carried out for different times of customer appearance and duration of service. Recommendations for applying the model were formulated, and the possibilities of its development were indicated. Conclusions: The results can be used in organizing the work of pharmacies' sales areas to determine the required number of working personnel, depending on the number of customers and other conditions. The practical significance of the results lies in the fact that the proposed approach and models allow for improving the operation of pharmacies: reducing the buyers waiting time for a service, minimizing queues, and determining the number of needed operating services.
JEL Classification:
C53, C63, C88, M31
How to cite:
Dorokhova, L., Beloeva, S., Venelinova, N., Dorokhov, O. (2024). Consumer service modelling: the study of buyer’s queues in pharmacies. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 5(3), 511-525,
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