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A systematic literature review on dynamic capabilities in marketing

Published Online: Aug 9, 2024
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Objectives: Several studies on dynamic capability theory discuss concepts, definitions, and models and highlight emerging challenges for empirical development. However, there has been a lack of studies that review the literature describing dynamic capability and identifying various ways of marketing that contribute to business sustainability and competitive advantage. Methods/Approach: This study employed a methodical examination of existing literature and conducted theme analysis on 58 publications indexed in Scopus from 2012 to 2023. Of the 58 articles, four were published more than the previous 11 years, and 10 were outside Q1 and Q2; thus, the remaining articles for review were 44. The next stage was to select articles relevant to the researchers’ objectives describing dynamic marketing capabilities to identify various marketing methods so that the articles that meet the requirements and are eligible to be reviewed were 30. Results: Researchers have concluded that dynamic marketing capabilities contribute to business sustainability through knowledge integration and involve cross-functional processes to create and deliver superior customer value. In addition, it involves economic, social, and environmental performance and dynamic capabilities, and Triple Bottom Line initiatives impact the company's business sustainability performance. Conclusions: Competitive advantage is the integration of market knowledge dimensions, while the depth and breadth of knowledge positively influence marketing dynamic capabilities. Competitive advantage is achieved by dynamic capabilities, continuous human resource learning management, and market performance, which demonstrate the company's ability to outperform key competitors.
JEL Classification:
M00, M14, M31
How to cite:
Supriyanto, A., Said, L.R., Firdaus, M.R., Asma, R., Redawati, R. (2024). A systematic literature review on dynamic capabilities in marketing. Access to science, business, innovation in the digital economy, ACCESS Press, 5(3), 478-492,
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