The impact of administrative leadership on green management: the case of leaders of Saudi universities
Published Online: Jan 25, 2024
Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
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Objectives: The importance of the study is to analyze the relationship between administrative leaders in Northern Border University and green management to contribute to sustainable development. The university is an integral part of society, especially in providing competencies to graduates, which can have a role in applying green management in the future and achieving sustainable development. Methods/Approach: This study will be carried out by distributing questionnaires to a random sample of leaders of Northern Border University. After that, the answers are collected and analyzed using the descriptive analytical method based on the SPSS statistical program. Results: The study results indicate an overall impact of administrative leadership at Northern Border University on green management. This impact varies between male and female leaders, with male leaders exhibiting a weakness in implementing strategic management, while female leaders need to improve in effective communication. Meanwhile, the Leader's academic qualification positively influences green management practices. Conclusions: This study adds value by examining novel connections between leadership and environmentally friendly actions by utilizing gender-specific perspectives to enhance academic sustainability.
JEL Classification:
M1; M29; Q20
How to cite:
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