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How administrative AI applications enhance organizational innovation and quality of work life for disabled employees: a case study of a Saudi University

Published Online: Dec 18, 2023
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Objectives: This study examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) administrative applications on the relationship between organizational innovation and quality of life for persons with disabilities. Methods/Approach: The researchers will use a descriptive-analytical approach to achieve this goal. The study population consists of employees at the Northern Border University in Saudi Arabia, and a random sample of workers who directly impact the topics covered by the study will be used. The questionnaire will be used as a tool to collect information. Results: The most important results of the study were the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the dimensions of AI and the relationship between organizational innovation and quality of life for persons with disabilities, with AI acting as a mediating variable. Conclusions: The most important recommendations were prioritizing organizational innovation for effective AI use in administration, providing training and support for organizations to integrate AI in administration, investing in AI technology for people with disabilities, developing guidelines and best practices for AI in administration, fostering collaboration between organizations, technology, and disability groups, and establish ethical policies for AI use in administration
JEL Classification:
O31; O33; M15
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