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Consumer behavior modeling of “smart” scales choosing

Published Online: Jan 17, 2024
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Objectives: at the beginning considered approaches for analysis of consumer behavior, its evolution, basic principles, advantages; in relation to products and household goods of daily demand, and factors affecting behavior and choice; the goal of the study was to develop a model for consumer comparative assessment of products offered on the market based on a comparison of the basic user and technical characteristics of these products that are important to potential buyers. Methods/Approach: was developed buyer’s multicriteria model for the estimation and selection of household smart diagnostic scales using the methodology of fuzzy modelling; were given groups of users of household diagnostic scales for monitoring the state of the body on the Ukrainian market; consumer criteria when buyers choose smart scales had been identified, described and formalized; as a method of modeling, fuzzy logic was chosen, because this approach allows accurately reflect consumer preferences and potential choice. Results: applied model for estimating qualities of smart scales by customers in Matlab was developed; the membership functions and terms were defined and constructed, as well as fuzzy rules to make decisions on the estimation of compared smart scales; the numerical example for scales presented on the market was given. Conclusions: calculations and analyze of results confirmed the applicability of the proposed approach and its correctness for modeling consumer behavior by fuzzy logic models; the prospects of application, development, and improvement of the developed model and the proposed approach were determined.
JEL Classification:
D12, D19, L67, M39
How to cite:
Dorokhova, L., Nencheva, I., Dorokhov, O., Yermolenko, O., Penev, N. (2024). Consumer behavior modeling of “smart” scales choosing. Access to science, business, innovation in the digital economy, ACCESS Press, 5(1), 141-162,
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