Schumpeter's theory of economic development and modern civil society: points of interaction
Published Online: Mar 2, 2023
Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute, Finstadjordet, Norway
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
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The article substantiates that in connection with the development of socio-economic relations in states, Schumpeter's theory of economic development can be more widely applicable to entities, whose purpose of the activity is different from making a profit and which collectively make up civil society. Accordingly, the aim of the article is to investigate the points of interaction between Schumpeter's theory of economic development and modern civil society.
To achieve the goal of the research, a set of general scientific and special research methods was used, in particular, the abstract-logical method, including methods of analogy and comparison, induction and deduction, scientific abstraction; logical generalization and systematization; economic and statistical methods, namely: graphical, systematic, comparative and others.
Results: The author substantiates that Schumpeter's theory of economic development, which is still relevant, acquires new outlines with the change in social and political processes and becomes more widely applied. It is revealed that previously Schumpeter's theory of economic development and the theory of civil society were studied separately. The author substantiates that Schumpeter's theory of economic development involves taking into account specific areas of social development, which can be applied to the activities of the non-profit sector. At the same time, thanks to the practical contribution of civil society to the social and economic development of states, civil society and Schumpeter's theory of economic development have found points of interaction.
Conclusions: Thus, the article substantiates that common points of interaction include education and dissemination of knowledge; population employment; economic activity; social entrepreneurship; investment, and innovation.
The presence of these areas has a positive impact on the development of both theories: economic development and civil society, which at the same time creates a basis for further scientific research in this direction.
JEL Classification:
O10; O30; O35
How to cite:
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