Child labour exploitation: politics, law and social attitudes in Georgia
Published Online: Oct 24, 2022
Published: Jan 31, 2023
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia
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Respect for human rights and freedoms are regarded to be the key concepts of the civilized world, the protection and integrity of which significantly defines the place and reputation of a country and its government on the international level. The government shall guarantee protection of right to work, yet often both - the public and the private sectors do violate human right to work for various reasons and by different methods. Special attention is indeed deserved by those cases of labor exploitation of juveniles, who are far vulnerable compared to adults and require special care.
This paper discusses the following issues:
• The status of economic exploitation of children in Georgia and the legal basis of its regulation;
• The impact of the children labor exploitation on their education, development and their proper integration into society;
• Casual connection between the children labor exploration and the economic-social development of the county;
• Recommendations for educational institutions on early identification and prevention of potential child labor exploration.
The research is based on the analysis of the results of interviews and surveys with the school pupils from the twelve schools (among them 8 publics and 4 private schools) of Autonomous Republic of Adjara and the respective conclusions and recommendations are represented. It represents an overview of both – local and international legislation on child rights, some data on international and local studies in this regard, statistical information, scientific and theoretical basis of the research and the respective – practically valuable outcomes.
JEL Classification:
F6; E2; A1
How to cite:
Katamadze, G., Tavdgiridze, L., Bolkvadze, M. (2023). Child labour exploitation: politics, law and social attitudes in Georgia. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 4(1): 24-33.
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