Effective management and success of business ethical relationships
Published Online: Jul 7, 2022
Published: Sep 30, 2022
Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Kutaisi University, Kutaisi, Georgia
Akaki Tsetereli State University, Kutaisi, Georgia
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The ultimate goal of human activity is to become successful and important person in one's chosen field. It is impossible to do so without realizing that you are a strong person, strong enough to influence others. However, human will is not just limited to dominating others; it can also cultivate harmonious relationships and coordination in ways that exclude jealousy, mistrust, envy, and disagreement between "Me" and "others". It's in this context that the issue of a proper relationship between a leader and employees is reviewed. Large companies value proper behavioral culture and provide guidelines that the management and higher ranking personnel must take into account. There are norms of behavior not only for employees, but also for leaders.
Objectives: Investigating attitudes of leaders and employees. Methods/Approach: Scientific analysis methods such as deduction, analysis and synthesis, analyzing graphic data, dynamic research, forecasting, and others.
Results: As a result of the main analysis of the study the ethical issues surrounding business relationshipOpportunism as a business issue is addressed in economics and marketing literature as an important factor in transaction cost analysis and market governance. Management and business ethics scholars, however, do not address this issue in depth,
Conclusions: The Company needs a good market reputation, which first and foremost depends on its leadership
JEL Classification:
J5, J7, M12
How to cite:
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