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Sustainable development goals progress in the European Union: correlation with EEPSE green economy index

Published Online: Apr 17, 2022
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The international scientific community has long acknowledged the importance of analysing green economy. At the same time, there is a need for developing a comprehensive index, which would embrace all the aspects of green economy development. Objectives: To that end, a group of scholars of Daugavpils University proposes to use an EEPSE Green Economy Index (which combines educational, economic, political, societal, and environmental indicators). This study aims to present the results of their research Methods/Approach: The EEPSE Green Economy Index, presented within the present paper, is based on the Quintuple Helix Model. The use of the model is substantiated, inter alia by qualitative content analysis. Results: The results of the present study advocate the efficiency of the Index, showing its potential in performing current analysis and highlighting its correlation with sustainable development goals progress in the European Union countries. Conclusions: Thus, it can be concluded that the EEPSE Green Economy Index can be used as a tool for analysing the level of green economy development in a particular country, as well as its progress towards implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs).
JEL Classification:
C43, O44, O52, O57, R11, Q20, Q30
How to cite:
Rybalkin, O. (2022). Sustainable development goals progress in the European Union: correlation with EEPSE green economy index. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 3(2): 121-135.
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