Development of innovation activity research model and its implementation
Published Online: Jan 29, 2022
Published: Jan 31, 2022
Information Systems Management Institute (ISMA), Riga, Latvia
Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
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The issue of innovation activity in business has been relevant for quite a while now, oftentimes, it is a survival factor for an enterprise. However, it is not only the innovation activity of enterprises that is relevant, but also the research models of such activity. This article deals with innovation activity model and its implementation in practice. We can consider a research model as a program or plan of research. It can be represented both in a diagram based and a descriptive form. It offers the possibility to link theory and empirical data obtained in the course of scientific research, and also enables their subsequent interpretation.
In order to develop a model for innovation activity research in small and medium sized enterprises, analysis of theoretical and empirical methods of scientific research in tourism was carried out. A number of theoretical methods, such as formulation of a hypothesis, assimilation, analysis and others were used as the basis for the model. However, the model is basically built on the empirical method, namely, the method of sociological survey. The model under discussion was tested in 2019 and later applied again in 2020. The number of respondents taking part in the survey were 69 tourism companies (56.9%) in 2019, and 71 (58.5%) in 2020. The geography of the use of the research model can also be expanded. In particular, the authors plan to test it in Kazakhstan, which does not fully use the existing high tourist potential.
JEL Classification:
A14; O30; Z30
How to cite:
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