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Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the Digital Economy

The impact of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the social security of Ukraine

Published Online: Aug 9, 2021
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The aim of the work is a systematic analysis of logical, structural connections between different threats to sociocybernetic security. We include in the consideration a wide range of different components, different understandings of social security: security of technical systems, security of cyberspace, security of cyber-physical systems and so on. Everything is almost not studied and not studied in general. An important aspect of state capacity is analyzed in the work with the help of the constructed mathematical model: the problem of threats to social security. Depending on the condition (stable or unstable), there is a system that is characterized by a numerical integrated indicator (number of patients, number of those who passed the test, number of occupied beds in the hospital), social security in a broad and narrow sense, can to be considered and considered as being in a state of threat or protected. Hundreds of thousands of different methods and tools have been built over the millennia, but in modern conditions none is ready. Actually, the situation with СOVID-19 showed it. The flexibility of mind and a combination of different methods is the only key to modelling different processes, including security-related processes. In addition, it should be noted that IT tools are not always universal. In modelling these processes, the balance of knowledge in the field of economics, politics, IT, cybersecurity, etc. is important. It is also important to understand that the initial stages of creating algorithms for the protection of the socio-cybernetic system should be considered in the usual sense-understanding of social security. To do this, it is necessary to establish links between different processes of subsystems.
JEL Classification:
A14, C51, J28
How to cite:
Dzhalladova, I., Kaminsky, O., Lutyj, O. (2021). The impact of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the social security of Ukraine. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 2(3): 252-260.
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