How independent science can contribute to the field of social entrepreneurship in Scandinavia
Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute, Finstadjordet, Norway
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The purpose of the article is to suggest an analytical framework that shows how science can stimulate social entrepreneurship in the Scandinavian welfare states, and the difference between science and practice. The article relies on secondary source material, and is a work of synthesis and comparative science. The procedure has been to present thoughts and theories from outstanding scientists, authors and individuals who engage in topics related to entrepreneurship, innovation, social science and economic growth. The understanding of social entrepreneurship is built upon science on entrepreneurship in the European tradition. Because many different activities are called social entrepreneurship, this leads to a dilution of the concept. Innovation is free in thought and will, and it´s the social entrepreneur that drives the innovation. Creativity is necessary for a successful innovation: the creative individual, creative process, creative environment and creative product. The entrepreneur's impact on the economy as a catalyst for growth and development of the society, is significant. We need independent international science and theories for social entrepreneurs to access independent information.
JEL Classification:
A13, D69, O10, O35
How to cite:
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Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute
This scientific article was created at the Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute, Finstadjordet, Norway under the supervision of Prof. Fil. Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal, Executive Director and Owner at the Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute (Excellence in Science and Education).