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Formation of resource potential of HEIs as a basis for their sustainable development

Published Online: Jul 10, 2024
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Objectives: The idea of the article is that the sustainable development of higher education institutions depends on their available resource potential. The purpose of this article was to create a methodological toolkit for assessing HEI's resource potential as a basis for their sustainable development. Methods/Approach: In the research, an assessment of the resource potential of higher education institutions (in the example of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University) was carried out by determining the integral indicator. An integral approach to assessing the resource potential of a higher education institution involves the synthesis of indicators that demonstrate the achieved results by elements: HR, financial, organizational, material and technical, and informational. Results: The determination of the integral indicator for three years shows that in 2019 the indicator was within the sufficient level, and in 2020-2021 it reached an average level. If we consider the levels of development of indicators by elements, then the largest indicator is determined by the material, technical and informational elements. High indicators for the entire analyzed period were achieved by the personnel element. A mathematical model was built based on the results of the first-order experiment. Conclusions: It was determined that personnel and material and technical elements have the greatest influence on the formation of competitive advantages. Identifying the key components of the resource capacity that significantly influence its growth enables management of a HEI to gain better insights into their capability to accomplish sustainable development objectives. The outcomes derived from constructing a mathematical model facilitate the identification of factors shaping the resource capacity of the institution across various timeframes. The novelty of our proposed evaluation methodology lies precisely in the new system of indicators for evaluating the resource potential of universities
JEL Classification:
I23; М10; Q01; А20
How to cite:
Dimitrov, R., Trunina, I., Bilyk, M., Pryakhina, K. (2024). Formation of resource potential of HEIs as a basis for their sustainable development. Access to science, business, innovation in the digital economy, ACCESS Press, 5(3), 407-425,
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