Factors driving the adoption of artificial intelligence technology in the recruitment process in Morocco
Published Online: Jul 9, 2024
University Hassan II de Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco
University Hassan II de Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco
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General Context: In response to the rapidly changing technological landscape, companies are increasingly embracing artificial intelligence to streamline their recruitment processes. The incorporation of artificial intelligence involves deploying advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify and select candidates for various positions. Objective: This research endeavors to investigate the factors motivating Moroccan companies to adopt artificial intelligence in their recruitment practices. Methodology: Our focus was on Human resources managers to discern the factors influencing their decision to adopt algorithmic recruitment. Results: The findings underscored that the pursuit of expeditious transmission of recruitment data, acquisition of more pertinent profiles, and the security of Human Resources systems were foremost considerations in implementing algorithmic recruitment. Conclusion: The study is based on an original approach aimed at determining the reasons why Moroccan companies are adopting AI technology, which serves as motivation, companies aspiring to optimize their hiring processes stand to gain multiple benefits from artificial intelligence recruitment. Its capacity to augment efficiency, mitigate biases associated with streamlined processes, and facilitate informed talent management decision-making have been highlighted. Notably, the overall candidate experience has seen enhancements. In the pursuit of diverse team composition, fostering innovation, and achieving sustained success in the fiercely competitive contemporary job market, organizations must recognize artificial intelligence as an indispensable tool.
JEL Classification:
M51, J60, J71, O33
How to cite:
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