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Study of the factors influencing the satisfaction of employees in the territorial units of the Tbilisi city hall

Published Online: Jul 15, 2023
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Objectives: Public institutions strive to be more efficient, transparent, and responsible in the context of modern democratic governance. To accomplish this, they must compete with private organizations to attract and retain a qualified workforce. Without effective motivational systems, maintaining the workforce is impossible. Employed Individuals frequently move from the public sector to the private sector due to low compensation, inefficient incentive mechanisms, and a lack of personal and professional development opportunities. The article aims to identify the causes of the outflow of qualified workforce from Tbilisi City Hall's territorial units. The article also aims to measure the level of satisfaction among civil servants with their working conditions and to ascertain the correlation between satisfaction, motivation, discriminatory treatment, and labor force outflow. A particularly pertinent topic is the study of employee expectations, fears, a nd satisfaction at work. The primary responsibility of the organization's management is to effectively utilize its human resources while taking into account its employees' expectations. Our study focuses on public servants. It is critical to understand what drives employees' attachment to their employment and what causes them to quit their jobs. Methods / Approach: The SPSS statistical software package was used to analyze the research data. Numerous job-change-related factors were identified during the research process. However, the majority of respondents wish to keep their job by improving specific aspects. Results: The survey identified the degree of satisfaction among managers of different levels. The research revealed that different factors determine the degree of satisfaction among different-level managers. It is noteworthy that middle- and low-level managers do not express satisfaction with their compensation, which is one of our country's primary motivators for civil servants. Conclusions: The recommendations developed based on the analysis of the research will assist the territorial units of Tbilisi City Hall in implementing the kinds of changes that will increase staff productivity.
JEL Classification:
J2, J3, M14
How to cite:
Pirtskhalaishvili, D., Kharadze, N., Katsitadze, N., Dugladze, D., Sulkhanishvili, T. (2023). Study of the factors influencing the satisfaction of employees in the territorial units of the Tbilisi city hall. Access to science, business, innovation in the digital economy, ACCESS Press, 4(3), 387-399,
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