Access Journal

Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the Digital Economy

Articles with keyword "innovation"

How independent science can contribute to the field of social entrepreneurship in Scandinavia

Access Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2, May 2021

Development of innovation activity research model and its implementation

Access Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2022

Features of the formation of a regional security system in Eastern Europe

Access Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2022

Sectoral innovation system of agribusiness in Bulgaria – main challenges and perspectives

Access Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2022

Role of political economy in mediating innovation and entrepreneurship–a perspective based on some cases from Nepal

Access Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, May 2023

Reviewing the development of science parks and their impact on the economy in the context of globalisation

Access Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024

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