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Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the Digital Economy

Trends in workforce qualification in the context of new digital and ecological transformations of the economy

Published Online: Dec 23, 2024
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Understanding future skills needs is essential to ensure a just and socially equitable transition to the green and digital economy and to stimulate rapid economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Objectives: The purpose of the article is to contribute to the knowledge of labour supply and demand forecasts according to skill levels in order to achieve a balance in labour market in the context of new economic changes. Methods/Approach: In this regard, a secondary forecast analysis was made at the 2030 horizon point regarding the change in the structure of the employed population in Romania by occupational groups, qualification level and broad occupational groups according to total demand, net change and demand for replacement and a comparative analysis of the workforce forecast by qualification levels in the period 2018-2030, at the level of 12 EU countries. The analyzed data come from the CEDEFOP center. The secondary data analysis was supplemented with information on new occupations and new skills needed in the perspective of 2030-2040. A Delphi methodology was applied for this purpose. Results: The data analysis highlights new occupations that will appear in the context of digital transformations, and also new skills to which the education system will have to adapt. Conclusions: In the period 2018-2030, most jobs will appear as a result of the demand for replacement, which illustrates that the potential for creating new jobs remains low.
JEL Classification:
J30, J50, J60
How to cite:
Ghinararu, C., Pașnicu, D., Ghenta, M., Matei, A., Crivoi, E-S. (2025). Trends in workforce qualification in the context of new digital and ecological transformations of the economy. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 6(1), 141-158,

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