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Published Online: Nov 26, 2024

The impact of performance management on the career development of employees

Published Online: Nov 26, 2024
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Objectives: Performance evaluation is an essential aspect of Strategic human resources management. Consequently, many decisions are based on it. Employee career development, the application of various motivational systems, compensation modifications, professional training of employees, and other human resource management decisions are all made based on job performance evaluations. This research aims to study the aspects of employee evaluation used in the public sector, analyze and reveal the challenges encountered during the evaluation methodology and process, and ascertain how these aspects relate to career advancement. Methods/Approach: A quantitative research method is used in the research. 680 respondents took part in the research from Tbilisi Municipality. The obtained results were processed using the statistical software package SPSS. Research results confirm that employee participation and involvement in decision-making in public organizations is low and needs improvement. Results: 67% of the respondents stated that their career development never happened and that they worked in the position where they were initially appointed. The results of the public service performance evaluation are used only for monetary rewards and not for career development or training courses. Almost half of the respondents question the fairness and objectivity of the evaluation procedures implemented by the organization, which means that they do not fully trust the evaluation process. The high percentage of refraining from answering some questions indicates that public officials refrain from expressing an opinion which may be due to their fear. The reason for fear may be job loss, demotion, or being considered an undesirable person. Public institutions should promote procedural openness, encourage a diverse environment, and be self-critical in the management process to increase their competitiveness and prevent the outflow of employees from the organization. Conclusions: Recommendations developed based on research analysis will help public organizations make decisions that will increase the rate of career advancement and development of employees in the workplace.
JEL Classification:
J24, J28, M12, M54
How to cite:
Sulkhanishvili, T., Kharadze, N. (2025). The impact of performance management on the career development of employees. Access to science, business, innovation in the digital economy, ACCESS Press, 6(1), 67-83,
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