Social entrepreneurship & corporate social responsibility driving sustainable solutions: comparative analysis
Published Online: Dec 22, 2023
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia
Georgian International University, Tbilisi, Georgia
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The comparative analysis of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility (CSR) holds significant importance in addressing pressing social and environmental issues. This research explores and compares social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility (CSR), focusing on their unique attributes, motivations, and impacts. Objectives: The study aims to provide valuable insights for individuals, organizations, and policymakers, helping them address societal and environmental challenges while promoting sustainable development. Methods/Approach: Qualitative research methods, including focus group sessions and in-depth interviews, were employed to scrutinize Georgian social enterprises and CSR initiatives. Data synthesis from multiple sources contributed to the comprehensive analysis. Results: The study underscores the burgeoning significance of social responsibility in corporate pursuits, especially in regions marked by socioeconomic disparities. It emphasizes the delineation between social entrepreneurship and CSR, illuminating how strategic marketing amplifies social responsibility, augmenting product value and competitiveness. Integrating social objectives into business frameworks, transparent communication, long-term visions addressing social issues, and fostering collaboration between social entrepreneurship and CSR are instrumental in cultivating a socially responsible business image and nurturing sustainable economic growth. Understanding these distinctions and synergies is pivotal in addressing societal and environmental challenges while promoting sustainable development. Conclusions: The comprehensive comparative analysis between social entrepreneurship and CSR illuminates their distinct traits and potential collaborative avenues, providing a foundational understanding applicable across diverse regional and industry contexts. Additionally, the study underscores the role of marketing in shaping the perception of socially responsible businesses, inviting further exploration into CSR and social entrepreneurship marketing strategies. Policymakers can leverage these insights to formulate policies that bolster socially responsible endeavours and foster sustainable development within the business landscape.
JEL Classification:
A14; B55; M11
How to cite:
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