Prospects for intermodal and container transportation for Georgia's integration into the global transport market
Published Online: Dec 6, 2022
Published: Jan 31, 2023
Navigation Teaching University, Batumi, Georgia
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia
Navigation Teaching University, Batumi, Georgia
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Objectives: Understanding of advantages and disadvantages of Georgia as a transport corridor country in intermodal transportation. The challenges, strong and weak spots of intermodal transportation through the transport corridor on which lays Georgia. Overview of existing Black Sea basin and Georgian seaports and container terminals, their throughputs, and obstacles inherent for the container business in the black sea in common, which is the main obstacle to receiving bigger vessels. Methods/Approach: During the research has been used empirical and theoretical methods. In order to study container shipping has been reviewed and analyzed the data published by Georgian and foreign publications and scientific works, which made it possible to study the current situation and dynamics of container shipping in Georgia, as well as to study and investigate the existing problems and factors in this sphere, which affected the increase in the volume of cargo turnover. Analyzing the data provided by different information sources such as the National Statistical Office, shipping companies, terminal operators, and government bodies, made it possible to observe the increase in container shipping in recent years and calculate the cumulative average gross rate of container turnovers. Results: It was determined and explained that intermodal land transportation of containers through Georgia could not compete with maritime transportation turnovers, but still has a significant part as a backup of alternative transportation modes and delivery terms. Also, has been found that the growing trend of container turnover in the Black Sea countries and Georgia, in particular, has a strong and positive dynamic. Conclusions: The study shows how Georgia, as an intermodal and transit transportation country, improved its cargo turnover in a time of ongoing challenges in the region. It also shows the causal relationship between the sanctions and increased cargo turnover through the Georgian Sea ports. As a recommendation is provided suggestions to improve Georgia's cargo turnover and throughput.
JEL Classification:
F15, H54, R40
How to cite:
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