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Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the Digital Economy

Importance of healthcare economy on sustainable development of the country

Published Online: Nov 6, 2022
Published: Jan 31, 2023
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The subject of our research is the main features of optimizing the process of formation of innovative approaches in private and state hospitals in Georgia. Objectives: The main aim of the research is to determine the stimulating effect of innovative processes in the development of the health economy and the improvement of the quality of management of local medical institutions; Also, analyze the obstacles to the implementation of the main principles of innovative management and determine the ways to overcome them. On the basis of the mentioned, the perspectives of the formation of innovative approaches in the country should be identified and the practical-methodical recommendations necessary for its development should be developed. Methods/Approach. The methodological basis of the research is both general-scientific and economic research methods, namely: positive and normative analysis, demand-supply analysis, analysis and synthesis, systematic and logical approaches, grouping, comparison and evaluation methods. Results: The proposed individual proposals and recommendations will create the desired incentives in terms of innovative development and economic sustainability of the country's medical field. All this will increase the quality of local medical institutions, help them gain a competitive advantage and achieve long-term success. Conclusions: The paper examines the mechanisms and activities promoting innovative development in the field of healthcare in Georgia, which directly or indirectly contribute to the development of innovative approaches in the country; In addition, on the basis of theoretical materials and practical studies, the basic recommendations necessary for the innovative development of the healthcare economy in Georgia have been formulated.
JEL Classification:
I15; P36; Q01
How to cite:
Zoidze, G., Abuselidze, G. (2023). Importance of healthcare economy on sustainable development of the country. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 4(1): 60-70,
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