Approaches to ensuring the economic security of the relocated business
Published Online: Jan 3, 2023
Published: Jan 31, 2023
National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine
Daugavpils University, Daugavpils, Latvia
National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine
Almaty Management University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Objectives: The contradictory nature of the impact of the instability of modern economic, social and political events in Ukraine and the world in 2022 acquired mostly negative features, which has already affected the parameters of the development of the state and the business sector. Currently, the economic security of Ukrainian enterprises depends on the ways chosen by the management of companies to save business, the effectiveness of management decisions to compensate for the effects of negative threats from the external and internal environment, the macro impact on business from the side of stimulating and supporting regulatory measures. Methods/Approach: The study of management tools for ensuring the economic security of relocated enterprises determines the need to use the fundamental principles of world economic science: regional-spatial economics (from the standpoint of relocation opportunities) and management of economic entities, which in aggregate involves the use of theoretical and methodological approaches, special and scientific methods. In particular, the methods of scientific abstraction and synthesis are used to identify and group the main external and internal threats to the economic security of enterprises, systematize development opportunities and ensure the economic security of Ukrainian enterprises under martial law; the modelling method was used to improve the organizational and economic mechanism of managing the economic security of enterprises in war conditions. Results: According to the results of the conducted research, external and internal threats are identified, which are characteristic of the state of war and have a critical impact on the level of economic security of Ukrainian business; an analysis of trends in the recovery of business activity of Ukrainian business and a systematization of opportunities for development and achievement of economic security by Ukrainian business were carried out; promising directions of regulation and support of business relocation by the state are proposed; the current algorithm, levels and tools of the state program for the relocation of enterprises from dangerous and temporarily occupied regions in the context of their economic security have been studied. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of the set of necessary management measures, the management cycle of ensuring the economic security of relocated enterprises is determined; an author's approach to the development of an organizational and economic mechanism for managing the economic security of relocated enterprises in the conditions of military operations is proposed.
JEL Classification:
D01, M21, O12
How to cite:
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