Role of pedagogical internship for educational transformation
Published Online: Sep 14, 2022
Published: Sep 30, 2022
Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute, Finstadjordet, Norway
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Pedagogical internship is the milestone for educational transformation of learners/internees. It is a core foundation for the all learners and teachers. Experiential learning uplifts the student into higher level of standard. It is a kind of breakthrough in studying social entrepreneurship education. Teacher and student both can learn how to make study better to improve quality education. The main aim of this investigation is to discern the importance of pedagogical internship for educational transformation. This scientific paper is based on scientific review of significance of pedagogical internship for educational transformation to the educational stakeholders. Pedagogical internship has a value to create the quality education and skill to learn. The pedagogical internship may furnish by learning transformational policy, competence, skills, educational network, collaborative teaching and learning, research, education and development with the effort of practical experiences. Thus, the implication of innovative pedagogical internship has greater meaning in short run and in long term by keeping continuous engagement of social enterprisers for solving social risk and uncertainties in business as well. Pedagogical internship has positive role. Pedagogical internship fosters creativity and innovation that depends on reading, reviewing and research. Every positive transformational possibilities in education is coming from pedagogical internship based information, communication, collaboration, innovative materials, research, knowledge building, experience sharing and ideas exchange from generation to generation individually and institutionally. Internship has attracted positive attitude, commitment, and professional behavior. Pedagogical internee finds collaborative and academic environment to be educated. It is reflective mode of teaching and learning to develop stakeholders an intellect who can win race of advance teaching and learning. Therefore, students should not miss such an opportunity which can engage, approaches learning methods, expand learning skills and new perspectives. Provision of pedagogical internship has given effective communication and power of mentorship in systematic way.
Objectives: The main objective of the study is to discover the function of pedagogical internship for educational transformation.
Methods/Approach: This scientific paper is based on scientific review of significance of pedagogical internship for educational transformation to the educational stakeholders.
Results: Every positive transformational possibilities in education is coming from pedagogical internship based information, communication, collaboration, innovative materials, research, knowledge building, experience sharing and ideas exchange from generation to generation individually and institutionally. Internship has attracted positive attitude, commitment, and professional behavior.
Conclusions: It is reflective mode of teaching and learning to develop stakeholders as an intellect who can take part of quality teaching and learning. Therefore, an individual should not neglect such an opportunity that engage, approaches learning methods expand learning skills, and develop new vision.
JEL Classification:
I21, I23, O35
How to cite:
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