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Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the Digital Economy

Business demands for processing unstructured textual data – text mining techniques for companies to implement

Published Online: Apr 17, 2022
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The rapid development of technology has caused a pervasive change in the way people and businesses live. Making sound business decisions is unthinkable without processing a large amount of data (publicly available and collected on the basis of problems) with high accuracy and quality. The importance of unstructured data acquires various sources is growing. Of particular value is the continuous flow of textual information that is generated every minute around the world in a different form (unstructured textual data). This is also the subject of this article. The aim of the article is to provide an analytical overview of the main methods of word processing that are applicable for pragmatic analysis of information flows from companies, such as: extraction, summarization, grouping and categorization of text. Some methodologies are based on NLP (Natural Language Processing), others on Bayesian logic and statistical theory and practice. From the review of various publications on the topic, conclusions are proposed for their practical applicability. This allows for an objective choice of appropriate tools for processing unstructured information and business intelligence. The results of the study can be successfully used to improve managerial decision-making, improve the quality of work of employees and reduce errors in overall marketing planning.
JEL Classification:
C15, C81, C82
How to cite:
Zhecheva, D., Nenkov, N. Business demands for processing unstructured textual data – text mining techniques for companies to implement. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 3(2): 107-120.
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