Comprehensive evaluation of labour efficiency at macro- and mesoeconomic levels in Ukraine
Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytsky, Ukraine
Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytsky, Ukraine
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The article is devoted to the evaluation of labour efficiency at macro- and mesoeconomic levels in order to form the principles of public administration. Special attention is paid to the development of a complex approach to assessing labour efficiency. It is based on the systematization of 36 indicators by main groups: the state of the use of fixed capital; investment activity; innovative activity; use of working time; composition of the payroll budget; formation and use of personnel. A comprehensive analysis and assessment of labour efficiency at macro- and mesoeconomic levels will make it possible to identify and play a significant role in growing reserves of labour efficiency factors. The results of the research have shown that at macro-, mesoeconomic levels there are significant reserves for labour productivity growth by increasing technical level of production, efficient investment and innovation activities, improving the use of working time with minimizing losses, changes in production, labour and management, material incentives and raising educational and qualification levels. It is proved that in the group of factors "Composition of the payroll budget" the decrease in incentive and compensation payments and additional wages in the payroll budget for led to a decline in labour productivity index at the level of national economy and labour productivity index at the level of Kirovohrad region. It is established that influential factors from the group "Formation and use of personnel" index of the coefficient of advanced training of the average number of full-time employees; index of the coefficient "Trained in new professions in relation to the average number of full-time employees"; index of the share of the employed population with a complete higher education.
JEL Classification:
A10, E24, J08
How to cite:
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