Development, management and forecasting in a green innovative economy, based on the integral dynamics model in the conditions of "INDUSTRY - 4.0"
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
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In modern conditions of instability, systematic crises and global transformations the problem of developing methods and technologies for analysis, modeling, management, forecasting and decision making for stable development of viable socioeconomic systems has become the most important. These systems are characterized by complex structure and behavior, the synergison and non-linearness and have all sorts of "NOT" and "MANY" factors characteristics. The study of models systems, which include in their structure the humanitarian component (socio-ecological, economic and humanitarian subsystems – SEEHS, i.e. it is aspect of integration of 4 spheres) as a system of the noosphere type, is very actually problem. The greens innovations economics in the conditions of "Industry - 4.0", such as man-made integral industrial systems, are systems of type SEEHS. The peculiarity of the processes of stable development management, prediction and maned decision-making in the modern conditions of socio-economic, ecological, social and humanitarian crises, and the system crisis as a whole, as well as in the conditions of necessity and importance of stable and safe development of industrially of economic structures consists in accounting of the influence of uncertainties as on the object of control as well as and behavior of decision-makers. The there has been proposed models and control technologies of viable, stable and safe development of SEEHS systems based on the integrated "object and subject" oriented approach, a conceptual model, a generalized model of the synergistic dynamics with the regard of the uncertainties of on both stochastic and chaotic factors, of on base nonlinear dynamic and others.
JEL Classification:
C02; Q01; Q57
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